Conference Contributions
- Langer, M., Berzl, B., Klumpp, M., Freund, H.: Temporal and spatial resolved operando analysis of CO2 methanation under dynamic conditions, Hydrogen Dialogue & NUEdialog 2020, Nuremberg, 18.11.2020
- Bampaou, M., Kyriakides, A.S., Panopoulos, K.D., Seferlis, P., Voutetakis, S.: Modelling of Methanol Synthesis: Improving Hydrogen Utilization, 24th Conference on Process Integration, modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2021, Brno, 31.10.-03.11.2021
- Iannino, V., Dettori, S., Matino, I., Colla, V, Kolb, S., Bampaou, M., Kafetzis, A., Kyriakides, A., Panopoulos, K., Wolf-Zoellner, P.: Advanced Control and Supervision systems for the management of hydrogen intensified methane and methanol syntheses from steelworks process off-gases, 5th European Steel Technology and Application Days, ESTAD 2021, Online, 30.08.-02.09.2021.
- Dettori, S., Matino, I., Iannino, V., Colla, V., Rechberger, K., Kieberger, N.: Site level models for process off-gas dynamic prediction in integrated steelworks in view of their exploitation for methane and methanol synthesis, Advanced Control and Supervision systems for the management of hydrogen intensified methane and methanol syntheses from steelworks process off-gases, 5th European Steel Technology and Application Days, ESTAD 2021, Online, 30.08.-02.09.2021.
- Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Matino, I.; Dettori, S.; Colla, V.; Seferlis, P.; Voutetakis, S.: Integration of Renewable Hydrogen Production in Steelworks Off-gases for the Efficient Methane and Methanol Synthesis, 4th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (SPIL) Scientific Conference, Online, 18.-20.11.2020
- Wolf-Zöllner, P., Krammer, A., Medved, A., Salbrechter, K., Lehner, M.: Dynamic Methanation of By-product Gases from Integrated Steelworks, 14th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Online, 16.-20.11.2020
- Oelmann, T., Schuhmann, T., Gorny, M., Castillo-Welter, F., Drosdzol, C., Haag, S.: A new reactor concept for conversion of CO2 to Methanol, DGMK conference 2020: ‘The Future of Chemicals and Fuels – Feedstock and Process Technologies’, Online, 08.10.2020
- Berzl, B.; Langer, M.; Klumpp, M.; Freund, H.: Design of a novel micro structured reactor with optical access for the operando investigation of CO2 methanation under transient conditions. 10. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 34. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2020, Online, 21.-24.09.2020
- Wolf-Zöllner, P.; Krammer, A.; Medved, A.; Salbrechter, K.; Lehner, M.: Dynamische Methanisierung von Prozessgasen – reale Anwendungsfälle aus der Industrie, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik, Frankfurt, 04.-05.03.2020
- Wolf-Zöllner, P., Krammer, A., Medved, A., Salbrechter, K., Lehner, M.: Dynamic methanation of by-product gases from integrated steelworks, International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, Vienna, 18.-19.11.2019
- Hauser, A., Weitzer, M., Gunsch, S., Neubert, M., Karl, J.: Dynamic methanation of by-product gases from the steel industry in the scope of the project i³upgrade, International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, Vienna, 18.-19.11.2019.
- Hauser, A.; Weitzer, M.; Neubert, M.; Karl, J.: Die wasserstoffintensivierte Methansynthese als Möglichkeit der stofflichen Verwertung von Kuppelgasen der Stahlindustrie – das Projekt i³upgrade. DGMK Fachtagung ‘Thermische Konversion – Schlüsselbausein für zukünftige Energie- und Rohstoffversorgung’, Dresden, 23.-24.05.2019.
- Wolf-Zoellner, P.; Krammer, A.; Medved, A. R.; Lehner, M.: Dynamic Operation of a Power-to-Gas System for Integrated Steelworks. 15th Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik and 6th Partikelforum, Leoben, 29.-30.04.2019.
- Hauser, A.; Neubert, M.; Karl, J.: Methanisierung von kohlenstoffreichen Kuppelgasen der Stahlindustrie – das Projekt i³upgrade. ProcessNet 2019, Jahrestreffen Fachgruppe HTT, Karlsruhe, 02.-03.04.2019.